Prehnite & Epidote Worry Stones
Prehnite & Epidote Worry Stones
Prehnite & Epidote Worry stones
From Madagascar
Measures Approximately 50 x 40 x 10mm
Sold Individually
Metaphysical Properties
Prehnite is considered a "stone of dreaming"; it is believed to increase the power of the dream state, strengthen lucid dreaming and promote communication with other planes of existence. It is also considered a "stone of prophecy," with long use by indigenous peoples of South Africa.
Epidote will enhance the energy of whatever it touches, including other stones.
Perception and interaction with spiritual beings is increased when working with Epidote and it also brings spiritual growth.
Epidote increases personal power, clears the emotional body aura, and even increases memory, making it a helpful when looking for lost object.
When releasing negativity and raising your vibration, Epidote is a great stone to use. Epidote can inject a sense of hopeful optimism into your emotional body, helping to bring the mind into a higher vibration.